The new south door of London's Royal Albert Hall makes an impressive podium for the Skyfall World Premiere runway with the lovely Autumn ( Fall) colours |
Presentation is key to James Bond.
Mission content, eloquence and style.
So should our sales presentation have a touch of the 007 pizazz.
Step 4 of the SKYFALL 007 selling process
FOCUS on your Presentation
Some of the props and costumes exhibited in the 50 years anniversary auction at Christies |
Your sales presentation is best centred on
the added value your Unique Selling Proposition offers the client
the questioning phase the sales person will have teased out the circumstances,
concerns, consequences and conclusions to what this is - the presentation
should now centre on 'matching' the benefits of the product/services with the
needs of the prospect so that the prospect is motivated by the proposition
progress to the next stage ,the sales presentation should demonstrate that the
offer meets the prospect's both the wants and needs, priorities, constraints
and motives
above point becomes particularly important to cover when the sales person has
to present on more than one occasion to different people in buying teams, who
will each have different personal and organisational agenda. The presentation
will therefore be adapted to respond to different benefits (despite the core
proposition and main perceived benefit remains consistent )
sales presentations, whether ad hoc elevator
pitches or those as result of detailed preparation, should be well structured,
clear and concise
presentations should attempt to meet the expectations of the listener in terms
of the level of information and relevance to their own situation.
presenting to influencers, it is important to recognise that the sales person
is effectively asking the influencers to personally ‘sponsor’ the proposition
and the credibility of the supplier and the sales person, so the influencers'
needs in these areas are actually part of the strategic and tactical needs of
the prospect organisation
presentation should include relevant case studies, references from similar
sectors and applications, facts and figures - all backing up the offer
decision-makers buy when they become satisfied that the decision will either
make them money, or reduce costs or time; they also need to be certain that the
new product/service will be sustainable and reliable; therefore the
presentation must be convincing in these areas
Props, costumes and posters auctioned at Christies for the 50 years of Bond auction |
the presentation should always be weighted on the main perceived benefit, it is
important to show flexibility that any other incidental requirements and
constraints that arise are met if reasonable
the language and style in your presentations to your audience for example:-
people need technical evidence
and marketing people like to see flair and competitive advantage accruing for
their own sales organisation
directors and finance directors want clear, concise benefits to costs, profits
and operating efficiency;
In general the more senior your contact, the
less time you will have to make your point - scut the frills, keep to relevant hard facts and evidence
the you be invited to present to a large group and in great depth, then
enlist the help of one or two suitably
experienced colleagues, from the appropriate functions,
eg., technical, customer service,
distribution, etc., in which case the sales person must ensure that these
people are properly briefed and prepared, and the prospect advised of their attendance.
control of the presentation, but do so in a relaxed way; if you don't know the
answer to a question don't ‘bull’ - say
you don't know and promise to get back with an answer later, and ensure you do.
knock the competition - it undermines your credibility and integrity - don't
even imply anything derogatory about the competition
appropriate issue notes, or a copy of your presentation ( PowerPoint hand outs are
often well received)
samples and demonstrations if relevant and
helpful, and make sure they work !
Number plate prop for the submarine Lotus at the Christies Auction |
the presentation check for feedback, confirmation and agreement as to the
relevance of what you are saying
questions at the end, if you are confident of controlling things at the outset
invite questions at any time .
presenting one-to-one or to a buying team, keep a conversational but business style .
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